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Every Hindi serial ever!

Image result for Hindi serials collage

Hi there! Do you like Hindi serials? Have you watched any?
  • Yes? Then you can relate with this blog
  •  No? Don't worry Ill break down every entire show, with all the maha episodes, special episodes etc etc. How? Because all the serials are based on the same story line and is just the same. The songs, the grand attires and heavy make up are the speciality of every Hindi serial. Here are some things that are common in every Hindi serial. Now, don't call me a racist as I am going to write about the south Indian serials too, probably in the next blog 😊. After reading maybe you too can join the force and become a Hindi serial director! 😉
1. The leads

 All you have to do is get a rich guy and pair him up with a poor girl. The guy should be handsome and live in an white (Yes, always white) royal palace type home with 40 servants and a loving family. The main point here is that the guy should already have a girlfriend. Yup! she wont marry the guy😂 but still she has to be there. Now for the girl, She should be from a poor background, living in a gully, with high self esteem and should be very sanskari. To add more drama, do any of the following:
  •  Kill any one of her parent (mom/dad) or make one terribly sick 
  • .Let her be an orphan but make her oblivious of the fact that her parents are alive ( She either got abandoned or lost)
In case you wanna create something different make the girl rich and the guy poor

Image result for Arnav intro helicopter

2. The first encounter

Their meeting should never be pleasant. They don't get to exchange phone numbers or go for a coffee date. Their first meeting should always be set in a situation where the girl falls and the guy catches, like in a cricket match. Meantime play a romantic music in the background and replay the scenes from different angles and in slow motion.They don't fall in love at first sight. They only get misunderstandings and develop a bad opinion about each other like the following
  • The rich guy thinks all the poor people drool for money
  • The poor girl thinks all the rich people think that they can buy anything with money  
          Image result for shivaay annika gobar scene

3. Make them meet on a daily basis

This is the most simple part. The poor girl always works in the office that the rich guy owns. The girl did not choose this job. The guy blackmails her and makes her to accept the job. To add a further twist the guy always makes the girl sign a contract. This contract gets ripped in pieces by the girl. She further throws the bits of paper right at the guys face and quits because she was not respected

Image result for Pragya in abhis officeoffice

4. The family tree

No indian family in a serial has just 4 or 5 members. The minimum amount of people living in a single house in a hindi serial is 10 and it can go way above that too!

5. Get them married

This should ALWAYS happen in a sudden. The guy is about to marry his girlfriend. Till the last minute he only thinks about the other main female lead. All the shaadi ki preparations are done by the main girl with a single tear always in her eye. Make sure neither the boy or the girl knows that they have fallen in love. 

The Day of the wedding

Method 1
  • Everyone is present, all guests have arrived, pandit is reciting the mantras
  • Pandit says " Vadhu ko bulayiye" ( Call the bride)
  • Swooosh she has disappeared, but wait no one knows it except the groom and the main girl
  • He has to save his image, here the main girl is again blackmailed
  • The main girl puts on the exact same clothes and jewels out of the blue
  • She hides her face using the Ghoonghat  (veil) and they get married
  • Later everyone is shocked except the one old character who says "I always knew you guys would end up together"
Image result for Ghunghat bride in serials

Method 2
  • The main girl is kidnapped
  • The guy abandons marriage and runs to find her
  • They get into some meddlesome situation and marry each other
  • The family is disappointed except the old one
6. Post marriage

The guy and the girl continue to hate each other. New villain comes in trying to destroy the family. The girl doubts it and saves everyone.In the saving process she gets misunderstood by the whole family. Then the villain gets exposed but wait where is the girl? Yup she meets with an accident/ is stabbed/ Kidnapped or something even more miserable happens. She is always admitted in the CITY HOSPITAL.

Image result for Khushi in arnav's office

 Doctors say its hard for her to survive. This is where ipl's praying aunty comes. Everyone prays, wind blows hard, the temples and the bells and the idols of the gods are shown in consecutive frames all while a bhajan is played in the background. The music ends and the girl survives

Image result for IPL praying aunty

7. Karva chauth

The girl never keeps fasting for the boy. Yet she goes without the entire day without eating or drinking anything because she becomes busy. Right at the evening when all the others end their fast, the girl faints on her husband who happens to catch her again (These guys should win the perfect catch of the match award😂) and feeds her water officially breaking her fast.

Image result for karva chauth serial gifs 

8. Superstitions and Exposure

You can take at least 500 episodes just with a superstition. Bad things are always indicated by the following
  • Diya burns out
  • A wedding picture breaks
  • The aarti plate drops
  • The characters can even sense it with their superpowers ( mostly mothers and wives)
Related image

Every time someone reveals a bad news or exposes the truth all the members of the family ( mostly around 15 to 20 people) are gathered in a single place. As each fact is revealed, play the BGM and zoom in and zoom out the faces of each character. A week will go by with just this. Also just make a character give a desi slap to add extra spice.

9. Costumes and utensils

All the characters be it rich or poor are dressed like Jill Jill Jiga Jiga. The even sleep in a grand way as though they need to attend a wedding in their dreams. NOBODY IN A HINDI SERIAL WAKES UP IN A NIGHTY.

Image result for indian Serial memes

Image result for indian Serial memes

 The props used are all very rich. I have never seen a single ever silver tumbler or other utensil. No matter how poor they are each house only uses ceramic dinner sets, china sets and so on. The house is also decorated with rich stuff like vases and comfy couches (chairs have become old, they don't use it)   

10. Special occasions

This the most lovable thing about the Hindi serials. There is always something to celebrate and some reason to dress up.The villains as usual always try destroy the family in any possible way only during the festive days which by the end turns the waterworks of all the ladies on. The best part here is, there is not a single villain for the entire show. The villains keep changing time after time and sometimes two or more join forces and try their maximum to bring about destruction. Hence this is how we roll

                            Image result for Indian serial memes

So keep on adding new villains, get the same couples married for 5 times, bring about new problems and keep the serial running for years!😂       


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