India, our country with 13.4 billion people, has a diverse range of languages, cultures, and traditions. We may be of the various state but some of our habits and mindsets remain the same. We may not agree with them and claim that we all are different, but man, when in India you do as Indians do!😎 Read the points and comment if you belong in any of these categories ( If you don't ...well go back to your planet you freaking alien, JK! 😀)
1.Innovation - Everyone in India likes to save and preserve things. We like things that last long in spite of frequent usage. This why the word "Juggad" is becoming popular. Juggad basically means a hack or an innovation. I think we all have an inner Abdul Kalam in us, we have created great things like the tiny satellites and stuff, but sometimes we go over the limits and make things like (images below👇). All of us might not be this crazy but we do like shortcuts and hacks. Anyway these are way better than the anti-Romeo squads and BS acts like covering the river with thermocoel.#Nooffence😀
When Harley-Davidson is so cheap😂 and when you have a degree in engineering but you have no Job (Brilliant though)😉

2. Recycling - We Indians care about the environment a lot. We believe in recycling which is also a type of money saving system. We spend money very carefully and know how much should be spent on each need. Like most people buy bigger sizes of shoes and clothes ( especially for kids) because it will longer and they will grow into it. My parents actually bought my school shoes a size bigger for this reason. And whenever your shirt or pant gets old or torn, it always gets a new life by becoming the waste cloth. T-shirts are the most sacrificing creatures and a movie should be made with the title "Life of a T-shirt"😉. The t-shirt is bought and then is first used by the elder one, then to the other younger kids in order before finally becoming a waste cloth.😆 Wait you don't do this? You buy mats and mops!! How poor you are, we Indians apparels from Zara ( EVERYTHING COSTS ABOVE 10,000/-) to clean our floors, bear this in mind before you call us poor!😉
3.Superstitions - Indians are the creators of superstitions. This is not something that is related to any religion. This is something that is in the mindset of every Indian regardless of the religion he/she belongs to. When we hear things like a cat crossing the road or stuff like that are indications that something bad is about to happen, we act cool and never care. But when something similar happens to us or our loved ones we panic. A lot, Because we with such mathematical skills calculate the probability of bad things happening and with all astrological powers foresee things that may happen. But come what may we are prepared with hi-tech gadgets like:-
Do you guys remember a cartoon show called Captain Planet where teenagers with powerful rings fight and save the world from crisis?. I probably think the idea of the show was based on us😝
4. Maggi - If there comes a thing like national food, I guess it should be Maggi. It is both our staple food and our emergency. It is diverse in such a way that it comes in various shades of yellow. You can never makMaggigi look the same always that's the beauty of it. Maggi is also very flexible as it can take the shape of any container it's stored in. Many substitutes may come but nothing can taste like Maggi!😋
5.Pickles- Indians love pickles and summer season is the season of pickles.This is the time you get to know how many fancy china jars are at your home.The pickles vary from state to state some are spicy and some are sweet. In every Indian movie, whenever a guy leaves India to go to foreign lands, they always pack the pickle jar first along with some other eatables. I don't know whether airport securities hate pickles or what, but every time when the scanning is done, the pickle jars are the first thing to be thrown away (in the movies). Dear NRI’s please comment below if you have successfully sneaked a pickle jar out of India😝
6. Rules - No rules ever apply to us. We fought for freedom and have been enjoying it quite literally, especially road rules. We make our own road rules like- Wear helmets only in front of a policeman. 5 people or a whole family on a single bike, Wear seatbelts… Wait what are those? No parking? Who cares😝.
7. Change - I mean about the chutta or balance money you get after paying for things you bought in a store. No change was in trend during the demonetization period. But even before that in certain shops if they have to give you a one or two rupee change, they give you that 1 rupee toffee instead, sometimes they even give 5 rupees dairy milk too. Even in medical shops they give you Vicks or strepsils instead of the change😝 Has this happened to you? Or is it just me!

8.Bucket bath - This is the most popular method of taking a bath. Seriously shower gels, caps and stuff are not for us. Bath bombs! What are those alien things you are talking about!😂 No matter how much water is in that bucket we can manage with that. We have a high level of adjustment that we save water by bucket baths, and sometimes we even go for a day or many without a bath. At Least for a day, we all have gone out without having a bath😂 agree?

9. Superstitions in social media - Chain messages, type this if you believe in God, Share this pic and a miracle will happen, do this 5 time and tag more people and your dream will come true tomorrow. We all have been victims of these types of posts and have tried in at least once in our lifetime before realizing it is total BS. God is watching us alright! But I don't think he is scrolling through our timeline to know about our activities😝
10. Places - I regret writing this point but this is something that is true. If we visit places that are modern and neat in India, we tell it to our friends like “ you should go there, it was so awesome you will feel like you are in some other country”. I have said these to other people and have also heard these same lines from them. We have this mindset that such places and buildings are only suitable for foreign countries and maybe because India had no such modern building before. Instead of this, we all must be proud that something new has come and take in the new growth of modern India😊
We like free stuff a lot, like freedom which we take for granted, free dhania and greenchilies when we buy veggies, free boxes, and Sippers when we buy boost etc. With that being said, sorry for such a long blog. Hope you had a good read. Share if you have some other Indian stuff in the comments section. Don't forget to give me a reaction down below, its FREE!👇😊
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