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To all the Indian Dads-Appas-Achas-Nainas-Papas-Baujis-Thagappas!
It was father's day last Sunday and the only day where all your social media feeds were booming with stolen quotes and dad selfies. So here is a post dedicated to all the Indian fathers who are also known as the men of few words. Seriously though most of them barely speak, go watch some reasonable Indian movies like K3G of you don't believe me. They keep everything to themselves. Dads are every kid's Superman, Batman, Ironman and sometimes even Chota Bheem, read below some of the things that all Indian fathers do. So here is a post to our first King, first love, first hero - Fathers!

1. Let's start from when we were kids. The most terrifying moment for every Indian kid is the day when they have to get their report card signed. No matter how many marks you get, even if it is 99/100 your dad gives you "the look". The next line that follows the look is always the same, it's the one regarding the Buffalo ( you know it, don't act like you don't 😆). Then after some pinky promises ( never fulfilled😜) to do better next time with some lame excuses and support from mom we get over this freaking nightmare.

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Image result for Dads and report cards memes

2.  Dads and gadgets are never on the same wavelength. Most Indian families give the kids their first phone only after they complete their schooling. Then after that our demands slowly increase by budgets like demanding for a bike that makes you literally climb up to sit on it, or the bike where the front wheel is already 2 Kms ahead of you or a DSLR so you can take a picture with your weird bike and upload it on FB to establish that you are cool. Girls  make demands like iPhone, iPad, MacBook etc and get it for educational purpose (namesake) but end up uploading selfies and watching Saravanan Meenatchi on Hotstar😆Although when we make such demands we hear the line "Money doesn't grow on trees", every dad does whatever it takes to make their kids happy😇

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3. After you get your first phone, your dad wants you to be happy and careful with it (even if it is micromax😂). Indian teens and young adults use mobile phones for everything other than calling but the dads use mobiles only for calling. Most dads get really pissed off when you don't answer their call and ask "Why the hell did I get you a phone?". They get angry when you are always on the phone, when your phone is in silent mode and when your screen brightness is low (because they can't see a thing😉!). But all this is only because they are concerned about you and very much about your safety😇

4. Dads never want anything for themselves. Most Indian Dads buy the entire family brand new clothes during festive seasons but they never buy anything for themselves. They are always in the same 4 costume they own. Even when you go out if they crave something to eat they don't say it or buy it unless you want to. My parents mostly do this, they usually ask me if I want to eat this or that if I say no they never get it even if they want it for themselves. It took me a while to understand this, so now if they ask this question I answer with a yes and share it with them. I have noticed most parents do this, so if your parents voluntarily ask you something, especially regarding eatables always say yes!😊
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5. Dads have an economic mind maybe this is why they love newspapers so much! When you get your first salary, you buy something for each member of your family. Every dad says "Why are you wasting your money on me?" But that sly smile that follows after you get them a brand new shirt (usually) and that proud face after they wear it to work is all you need to see in your lifetime😇

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Indian Dads are always right, here is why (True story😉)

So this Sunday was our epic finals (not so epic now) with Pakistan which also happened to be Fathers day. I told my Dad, "Come dad let's celebrate this lazy father's day by watching the epic match" for which my father said no and started watching some old movie. This seemed unlike him as my dad is a huge fan of cricket ( all Indian dads are!) I said " Its going to be so cool, we are gonna beat them up" to which my dad replied "Pakistan is gonna win the match", I asked " How do you say?" and he replied " They lost their first match with us so they will do whatever it takes to win this one. We are ones who are going to get beaten up " you know what happened next. So, Dads are always right and the rest has become history😛
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We Indians don't celebrate fathers day in a grand way, its usually because of our respect for them, but at least a wish and a hug or a lame handshake will make them smile or maybe even laugh😂


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