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Lunch time talks

School life is always the best right? The most favourite time during everyday of school life is the lunch time. Those 45-50 mins of heaven was the reason for so many fights, talks, patch ups etc. Lunch break is the time where we can create a true fish market scenario ( as the teacher's say) with no one to question us. So here are some of my random thoughts as to why lunch period is epic!
After some research and thinking I have made a list of some the famous foods that make frequent appearances in most tiffin boxes. They are:-
1. Lemon rice which is often accompanied by a potato fry
2.Curd rice paired with the 1 rupee pickle packet
3.Maggi which becomes a solid cake taking the shape of the container
4.Poori with the evergreen potato
5. Idly and sambar
No matter what the food is there is always more than one hand in a tiffin box and with lids being passing around like plates, it becomes like a temple where people put their hands together for the aarti plate
The evolution of our lunch bags is also something to be talked about. During primary years we would take a sipper, lunch towel, spoon all of them neatly arranged on a plastic basket with handles. There was also a time when people in my school would bring mats to sit on so they don't get their uniform dirty. This changed as we grew, after middle school lunch bags were seen rarely as the tiffin boxes were kept within the back packs maybe because people wanted to look cool😎
All of us have one friend who is a garbage truck (Kuppa lorry). This person is the one who finishes off his/her lunch during the 10 minute break and then briskly walks around the entire corridor to have a bite (so they say) of each person's lunch thereby filling their stomach like a garbage truck with all the available cuisines!
Your lunch break is incomplete of you don't visit the minimalistic school canteen which is basically a "potti kadai". From piece mango to pulipu mittai they have everything. They are the ultimate saviours when we forget to bring maps or graph sheets for our classes.
Lunch is the time we really made a bond with our friends. Eating took 10 mins while talking was done the most. The corridors and walls have heard all our views and opinions about TV shows from power rangers to Kana kanum kalangal, because apparently " walls have ears" (😂). Lunch period also helped us develop friendship with our juniors and seniors. Somewhere between playing in the hot sun after lunch and studying for the next period's test we all grew up!
 Finding a new spot for lunch during each academic year is something magical. Its like moving into a new house with our friends only to eat and chat. Classroom lunch during rainy days was something special because other days the classroom was locked and was under "constant vigilance" by the class leader/ monitor/ Rep.
Lunch is always followed by a drowsy period where you yawn 2-3 times hiding behind someone else. If you have not felt sleepy in the period after lunch you are not a Homo sapien!
 Feeling nostalgic? Yea, I felt the same while writing this. Now go text your school friend something nice and maybe even share this link 😝. Rate this post by reacting below and comment your favourite lunch time memories. See you'll soon (virtually) on my next post until then please keep reciting the 12 tables! Good byee!🏃


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