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Showing posts from June, 2017

Yoga Bangamasana!

Yoga is becoming more like a trend these days rather than a way of life. Almost everyone knows it and teaches others. It is becoming a magical cure to everything like the bottle of vial Lucy carried in Narnia. This post is gonna have some sarcastic comments about yoga, so basically if you are reading this post you are doing Hasyayoga (Laughter yoga😋) so I hope you won't get offended in any way 😇                                                 Every asana in yoga is basically the same where you control your breath. So basically what you do is, Sit or stand in a weird pose and try to focus on your breathing where in reality you really try God not to FART until you are done with the session. If you don't get even the slightest sensation of a fart you are not doing it right - This is a fact!😂 Yoga is that journey where you try to find inner peace but you ...

To all the Indian Dads-Appas-Achas-Nainas-Papas-Baujis-Thagappas!

It was father's day last Sunday and the only day where all your social media feeds were booming with stolen quotes and dad selfies. So here is a post dedicated to all the Indian fathers who are also known as the men of few words. Seriously though most of them barely speak, go watch some reasonable Indian movies like K3G of you don't believe me. They keep everything to themselves. Dads are every kid's Superman, Batman, Ironman and sometimes even Chota Bheem, read below some of the things that all Indian fathers do. So here is a post to our first King, first love, first hero - Fathers! 1. Let's start from when we were kids. The most terrifying moment for every Indian kid is the day when they have to get their report card signed. No matter how many marks you get, even if it is 99/100 your dad gives you "the look". The next line that follows the look is always the same, it's the one regarding the Buffalo ( you know it, don't act like you don't ...

10 Things all Indians do!

India, our country with 13.4 billion people, has a diverse range of languages, cultures, and traditions. We may be of the various state but some of our habits and mindsets remain the same. We may not agree with them and claim that we all are different, but man, when in India you do as Indians do!😎 Read the points and comment if you belong in any of these categories ( If you don't ...well go back to your planet you freaking alien, JK! 😀) 1.Innovation - Everyone in India likes to save and preserve things. We like things that last long in spite of frequent usage. This why the word "Juggad" is becoming popular. Juggad basically means a hack or an innovation. I think we all have an inner Abdul Kalam in us, we have created great things like the tiny satellites and stuff, but sometimes we go over the limits and make things like (images below👇). All of us might not be this crazy but we do like shortcuts and hacks. Anyway these are way better than the anti-Romeo squ...

When you watch Cricket!!

Indians and cricket are inseparable like "saath janmon ka bandhan'' ( bond for 7 lives).  We are like dairy milk chocolate and its wrapper, always together. Cricket is a place where even an atheist believes in God (Sachin). This is something that is loved by all age groups from 8 to 80's. It is that sport, no matter where you play, who the players are, people are gonna watch it. If you haven't seen kids playing cricket in the streets you have never seen India. Cricket is a game that brings together all Indians  (except during IPL) and no one watches cricket alone. We watch it in groups or at least have live discussions with other people online. ICC champions trophy is on and let's take a look at the 5 things we do while watching a match:- 1. The Toss :- The toss is the time we predict the results almost instantly. Just when the camera shows the pitch, we immediately become field experts and know what ought to be chosen in order to win the game. We ...

When Joey Tribbiani becomes our President !

To start off, this was a question that I found on on Quora. It is such a fun question and I definitely wanted it to be in my blog. Below is the answer I wrote to this question and let me also say that I am a great fan of the show. I really hope this makes you smile. If Joey becomes our President then :- 1. All his speeches would start off with “hey how you doing? ”🙌 You need not worry about hearing "Mitroon..." anymore and no more banning will happen😂                     2.He is very much capable to give a great motivational speech unlike the dinosaur guy😂 He tells chandler to face his fears . he motivates him when he is stuck in a situation where he is afraid of commitment. Way better than Rahul Gandhi where he only blames other parties even when he has to talk to the students😛 I think Rahul Gandhi is Gunther.Just for a moment, think about this, let Rachel be the PM seat, Both Gunther (Rahul Gandhi) and Ross (NaMo/ ...